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Hedy Zhang Art

Artist Statement

Painting, observing, and embodying my art is a deliberate act of acknowledging my physical sensitivity to gender-based violence, a reality often suppressed in a patriarchal society. Through art, I establish a profound channel of self-expression and connection. This creative practice becomes a therapeutic outlet, addressing unspoken emotions and fostering emotional stability. Simultaneously, my artistic documentation links me to the broader narrative of history, preserving my individual experiences. Utilizing diverse artistic languages, I engage in a direct dialogue with society, prompting critical inquiry. My artwork serves as a visual chronicle of my growth as an Asian queer woman, navigating the challenges of childhood absence, isolation, and distance from family after leaving my homeland. My artistic journey began at The New School, where my Fine Art and Gender Studies majors merged to create an academic art language. This unique fusion allowed me to integrate Chinese queer discourse into a formal artistic framework. The process of remembering and emoting through art has evolved into a lifelong endeavor, shaping my identity and perspective. Beyond personal growth, my art seeks to foster a sense of belonging and community among queer individuals. It strives to connect and resonate with others, ultimately creating a safe haven and a sense of home.

2015 - Current


2010 - Current



2012 - Current


2019 - Current


2022 - Current


2018 - Current

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